Kyle Matsumura, MD

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Dr. Matsumura is a native Utahn. Dr. Matsumura completed four years of undergraduate studies at the University of Utah, two years of study at the University Of Utah College Of Pharmacy.  Dr Matsumura was accepted to the University Of Utah School Of Medicine without an Undergraduate Degree.  He completed four years of Medical School at the University of Utah. He also completed a one-year internship with the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah. He began Anesthesia Residency at Stanford University in 1994.   After graduating at the top of the class, Dr. Matsumura completed a Pain Management Fellowship with Honors in 1998. Dr. Matsumura is Board Certified with the American Board of Anesthesiology.  He has Subspecialty Board Certification in Pain Medicine with the American Board of Anesthesiology and the American Board of Pain Medicine.   In 1998, Dr. Matsumura began practice in Anesthesiology and Pain Management at St. Mark's Hospital.  Dr. Matsumura was appointed to Medical Director for Pain Management at St. Mark’s Hospital and served for 8 years prior to Utah Pain Specialists.  Utah Pain Specialists was established in 2006 where he has served as CEO and partner in the Medical Practice. 

Dr Matsumura has also served as Adjunct Faculty for the University of Utah Department of Anesthesiology 2003 – 2013.  He has also served as Adjunct Faculty for the University of Utah Department of Family and Preventive Medicine from 2007-2017.   He also served as the Chairman of the Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee for the State of Utah from 2005 to 2015.  Dr Matsumura has been a Medical Consultant and has given Expert Opinion in Pain Medicine for the US Attorney’s Office, the Utah Attorney General and to the State of Utah Department of Professional Licensing. 


Medical Doctor
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Utah College of Pharmacy
Completed 4 of 5 years of Pharmacy Program
Salt Lake City, Utah
1985 to 1989,  No Degree

Fellowship Training

Pain Management Fellow
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 97 to July 98

Residency Training

Anesthesiology Resident
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 95 to June 97

Anesthesiology Resident
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California
July 94 to June 95

Internal Medicine Intern
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 93 to June 94


President.  Spine Care Center, LLC            
April 21, 2005 to present

Co-Chairman with Alton Wagnon, MD
Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee
Noridian Utah Region
June 1, 2006 to present

Carrier Advisory Committee Delegate for Interventional Pain Management
Medicare, Noridian and BCBS Administrator for the Region of Utah
July 2004 to present

Board of Directors  
Utah Academy of Pain
January 2006 to present

Director St. Mark’s Pain Management Center
August 6, 2001 to March 31, 2006

Board of Directors
Millcreek Anesthesia, PC.  
September 2003 to August 31, 2006

Staff Anesthesiologist
St Mark’s Hospital
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 1998 to present

Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Utah Department of Anesthesia
University of Utah Medical Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
December 16, 2003 to present

Staff Anesthesiologist
Salt Lake Regional Hospital
July 2000 to September 2000

Pain Management Physician
St. Mark’s Hospital
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 1998 to present

Limited Term Instructor
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Utah School of Medicine          
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 97 to June 98

Medical Director for the Center of Behavioral Health
Salt Lake City Utah
July 97 toJune 98

Expert Witness in the Field of Pain Medicine for US Attorney’s Office District of Utah
and Drug Enforcement Agency, 2011
ExpertWitness and Provided Expert Testimony in the Field of Pain Medicine for Nevada
State Board of Medicine 2018
Expert Witness and Provided Expert Testimony in the Field of Pain Medicine for Utah
State Department of Occupational and Professional Licensing 2008 to 2017.


The Outstanding Graduate Resident
Robert D. Dripps, MD  Memorial Award
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Utah School of Medicine           
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 97

Graduated with Honors from the University of Utah Pain Management Fellowship
July 1998

Board Certified by American Board of Anesthesiology
January 1999

Board Certified by American Board of Anesthesiology Subspecialty Qualifications in Pain Management.  
November 2001

Board Certified by American Board of Pain Medicine
February, 2000 


Chief Resident
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 96 to June 97

Anesthesiology Resident Retreat, 
University of Utah School of Medicine


American Society of Anesthesiologists
1994 to present

American Pain Society
1999 to present
Utah Medical Association
1989 to present


Lectures and Case Conferences
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Utah School of Medicine

Parke-Davis Speakers Bureau
1999, 2000

Purdue-Frederick Educational Consultant
1999, 2000, 2001

Merck  National  Speakers’ Bureau
2000, 2001

Lecture, Pain Management
LaCaille Restaurant
June 17,1999

Lecture, Pain Management
LaCaille Restaurant
October 7, 1999

Lecture, Pain Management
St. Mark’s Quarterly Staff Meeting
September 28, 1999

Lecture, Pain Management
Sutter’s Hospital Staff Meeting
Sacramento, CA
February 8, 2000

Lecture, Chronic Pain Management
Sutter’s Hospital Staff Meeting
Sacramento, CA
March 9, 2000

Lecture, Cancer Pain Management
St. Mark’s Department of Hematology-Oncology
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 4, 2000

Lecture, Chronic Pain Management and Opioid Prescribing for Non-cancer Pain
Utah Academy of Family Physicians
Moab, Utah
May 7, 2000

Merck Educational and Professional Consultant
June, 2000

Lecture, Merck  Representative Educational Colloquium
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 30, 2000

Lecture, Current Concepts in Pain Management
Primary Care Physicians
Salt Lake City, Utah
July 26, 2000

Lecture, Acute Post-operative Pain Assessment and Management
Salt Lake City, Utah
September 22, 2000

Lecture, Management of Neuropathic Pain
Provo, Utah
September 27, 2000

Dinner Consultation,  Consultation in Pain Management
Salt Lake City, Utah
October 12, 2000

Medical Staff Grand Rounds Davis Hospital, Chronic Pain Management            
Layton, Utah
January 10, 2001

Surgical Staff Grand Rounds Davis Hospital
Management of Acute Post-operative Pain
Layton, Utah
Jan 18, 2001

Anesthesia Grand Rounds Ogden Regional Medical Center
Management of Acute Post-operative Pain.  
Ogden, Utah
April 5, 2001

Dinner Consultation, Consultation in Pain Management
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 6, 2001

Case Presentation, Pain Management for the Rheumatological Patient
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 25, 2001

Lecture, Acute Post-surgical Pain Management
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 26, 2001

Lecture, New Strategies in Pain Management
Phoenix, Arizona
November 16, 2001

Merck National Speakers Meeting and Presentations
Scottsdale, Arizona
November 17, 2001

Grand Rounds, Acute Pain Management
St. Mark’s Medical Staff Meeting    
Salt Lake City, Utah
November 27, 2001

Lecture, Updates in Pain Management
Novel approaches for the use of Tiagabine and Modafinil
Phoenix, Arizona
December 7, 2001

Grand Rounds' St. Mark' s Hospital Staff Education
Salt Lake City Utah
January 11, 2002

Grand Rounds, Utah Valley Medical Center Emergency Department
Provo, Utah
February 4, 2002

Pfizer Consultants Meeting and Presentation
Dallas, Texas
February 22, 2002

Lecture, Pain Management an Update on the use of Actiq and Gabatril
Omaha, Nebraska
March 5, 2002

Lecture, Acute Pain Management and the use of Cox-2 inhibitors
Solitude, Utah
March 15, 2002

Lecture, Novel approaches to the treatment of Neuropathic Pain
Salt Lake City, Utah
March 20, 2002

Lecture, Updates in Acute Pain Management
Vancouver, Canada
March 22, 2002

Lecture, New Approaches in Chronic Pain, Uses of Actiq and Provigil
Provo, Utah
March 28, 2002

Lecture, Chronic Pain Management and the use of Gabatril and Actiq
Boise, Idaho
Apri113, 2002

Lunch Colloquium Advances in Pain Management
Salt Lake City, Utah
May 13, 2002

Lecture, Application of Actiq and Provigil in Chronic Pain Management
Billings, Montana
May 30, 2002

Lecture, Acute Pain Management in the Post-Surgical Setting
Spokane, Washington
Aug 9, 2002

Colloquium, Novel Applications of Modafinil and Tiagabine
Bountiful, Utah
September 12, 2002

Lecture Current Pain Management in Post-op pain. Tanner Clinic
Layton, Utah
September 25, 2002

National Faculty Member. Telesessions Inc. Pharmacology and New applications of Tiagabine HCL
September, 2002 to December, 2002

Roundtable Discussion. Updates in Pain Management in Primary Care
Foothill Family Practice
Salt Lake City, UT
November 1, 2002

Grand Rounds, Novel advances in Acute Pain Management
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
January 10, 2003

Lecture, New Advances in Acute Pain Management
Ogden, Utah
January 30, 2003

Colloquium, Novel Applications of Modafinil, Tiagabine and Actiq
Great Falls, Montana
February 10, 2003

Lecture, New Therapies for Neuropathic Pain
Salt Lake City, UT
October 23, 2003